Monday, April 5, 2010


From suspension, to machines used as additional body parts to growing extra body parts on his own body.... YUP that's Stelarc!

Admittedly not a very good painter he quickly turned his interest to sculptures early on in his career. As he perfected his craft he began to experiment with technology as a means to replace or enhance the human body. He's know for doing very innovative works.

The ear thing is kinda scary to me though. What do you think?

Gilbert and George

These two would probbaly be my favorite artists that we've studied in class... The couple made paintings and they were live performers. THEY ARE SO FUN! this idea of using the human body as the only entity used in performance art speak to my SOUL.. lol that's the dance in me coming out i guess. But seriously these guys standing still from 9 to 5 is amazing. Their movements are so nsync and their personalities are probably what i love the most about these guys... I love it when artists laugh in the face what is the norm or conventional methods of art.

Their paintings are these gigantic puzzles and laid out properly you can see a paint that tells a story that is amusing and tackles a social issue.


Her earlier feminist work was very comical to me. I always appreciate when someone gets their point across in an atypical manner.

Her later performance art pieces of her having plastic surgery while wide awake is certainly no for the squeamish. In a male dominated field i definitely support her ability to maintain longevity the years and always stay current and relevant. She is always growing, developing and perfecting her craft. Some of her most recent works include graphic art pieces where in which she portrays her self as many different nationalities. The above is just a taste. If you're interest in her plastic surgery performance piece take a look see!

If you can get past the gore. It's a very powerful piece. She feels no pain whatsoever so don't feel too bad for her.


" Initially received as little more than an international network of pranksters, the admittedly playful artists of Fluxus were, and remain, a network of radical visionaries who have sought to change political and social, as well as aesthetic, perception.(Artmovement)"

The movement was a combination of visual arts, and many other experimental art forms.

One of the most noted artist of the time Joseph Beuys. I could go on and on about tell you what he did and how he did it but i'd rather let you see for yourself.
Joseph Beuys.

His philosophy on appreciating an object for its artistic composition rather than manipulating it in someway resonates with me. It reminds me of marcel duchamps urinal. Art does repeat itself after all.