Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Un Chien Andalou

I saw this movie at the Dali museum in St. Pete. i didn't understand it then and really can't pretend that i understand it now.... lol

BUT what i can say is that i really appreciate all the visual elements that were displayed during time period because it required a lot of creativity. That is certainly something i cannot downplay the importance of regardless of my short attention span. lol

The idea of bringing surrealism to film was very innovative at the time this movies made. It definitely has served as reference for film makers today.

If you haven't seen it here's the link.... tell me what you think!

Dada Movement

The fountain by Marcel Duchamp is what epitomizes the Dada movement for me. Not his Mona Lisa with a beard.
When i first saw this piece about two years ago i probably would have argued for days as to why this particular piece was NOT ART. How could you take the creation of someone else, write a name on it that wasn't even yours, then turn around and place it in a museum and label it ART??????

But after having our discussion in class i can now properly explain why exactly it IS ART after all.

Although it is important for art to reflect reality it may be even more important that art is a reaction to reality. The Dada artist were tired of the same repetitive forms of art that seemed to never evolve. These artists were making all sorts of advancement in their respective fields but they weren't weren't widely accepted.

When i think back to the most noted artists in history i realize that they too weren't widely accepted during their lifetime either. Van Gogh for instance only sold one of his paintings while he was alive.... Today he's recognized as one of the greatest artists that ever lived.

Art represents reality and what makes art, art to me is that a statement is being made about something that is taking place right now. So if that's done using a urinal i suppose i urinal can be art as well... lol

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Grid Art Project

Sometimes we think sex is love.... BUT IT AINT!!!!!!!!! so wrap it UP PEOPLE!